Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Happens to Sex After Marriage? ? Larry James ...

Lori & Bob Hollander, Guest Authors

Most people would agree that sex after marriage changes. It?s easy to see why. If you ate cr?me brulee once in a while you?d look forward to it, dream about it, desire it. But if you had it every night, well, it would be less exciting. You?d take it for granted.

After marriage, life settles into a routine. Couples become more comfortable, some let themselves go.

Hormones and bodies change, sex becomes less of a priority and new responsibilities abound. Everything comes before sex ? careers, children, housework, meals, laundry and bills. Energy is stretched, time becomes a precious commodity. When you can catch a breath, you wonder, how connected are we? Am I still attractive to him? Will I get rejected if I ask for sex and on and on.

Red Hot LoveNotes for Lovers book cover

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It?s vital for couples to recognize and understand the reasons that sex after marriage will inevitably change. So what is a couple to do?

? Most importantly, talk about it, take it on, address it, communicate
? Go on dates to focus on each other and reconnect
? Do connecting acts of love every day
? Carve out time for sex and schedule it if you have to
? Plan short trips to get away from the routine
? Remember studies show, ?the more you do it, the more you?ll do it.?

Sex in a committed relationship is a crucial part of the head, heart, hormone connection. With consciousness, communication and caring, loving intimacy in a committed relationship can last forever. And, by the way, it gets better after the kids launch, that is, if you have stayed connected. So hang in there.

Red Hot LoveNote? There is no such thing as a natural born lover. Learning how to make extraordinary love is something that takes practice. People who want their sex lives to be great are most likely happy to hear this. Learn more. Do more. Have more fun. Take your sexuality to new heights. There is always something new to learn about sex. That something new always feels good. Discover things together. Making love is a lot more fun that way. ~ Larry James, from the book, ?Red Hot LoveNotes for Lovers?

Copyright ? 2013 ? Lori & Bob Hollander. Lori Hollander, LCSW-C, BCD, and Bob Hollander, JD, LCSW-C, are licensed counselors and co-founders of Relationships Work, an innovative therapy practice and online resource center. Together, they encourage couples to consciously co-create their relationships in order to achieve a deeper, more intimate connection. You can visit Relationships Work online at: Follow them on Facebook.

CLoveLOGOLarry James is a professional speaker, author, relationship coach and an award winning nondenominational Wedding Officiant. He performs the most ?Romantic? wedding ceremony you will find anywhere. Something NEW about relationships is posted every 4th day on this Relationships BLOG.

Subscribe to Larry?s FREE monthly ?LoveNotes for Lovers? eZINE. Contact:, P.O. Box 12695, Scottsdale, AZ 85267-2695. ? and

NOTE: All articles and ?LoveNotes? listed in this BLOG ? written by Larry James ? are available for reprint in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, eZINEs, on the Internet or on your own Website. Click here for details.


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